Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Have do member Name *FirstLastPhone###-###-####Email *email@domain.comAddress Line 1City, State, ZipMembership LevelRegular (18+)Auxiliary (18+)Student (18-23)Junior (13-17)Cadet (7-12)What do you do for a living?If you attend School, which do you attend?Tell us a little about yourself?I am new to the hobbyBeen away from the hobby for some timeActive in the hobbyAre you married?YesNoHave any children?YesNoAre your family members interested in the hobby?YesNoHave you ever been a member of this or another model railroad or rail organizations? If yes, which club(s)?Have you left any organization NOT in good standing? (If yes, you may explain the situation to the Board of Directors in private.)YesNoThe McKeesport Model Railroad Club reserves the right to do a background check on any new applicantWhat do you enjoy most about model railroading? Check all that interest you....BenchworkTrack workWiringSceneryStructuresScratch BuildingElectronics/DCCLayout BuildingLocomotive and rolling stockMaintenancePainting/DecalingDetailingWeatheringScratch BuildingElectronics/DCCLocomotive & Rolling StockERA1900s - 1920s1920s - 1940s1940s - 19591959-1970s1970s - 1980s1980s - 1990s2000 - PresentERALayout OperationRunning / Watching TrainsOperating SessionsSwitch / IndustrialPassenger operationsTrolley/StreetcarsLayout OperationWhat are your favorite railroads?What type of modeling do you prefer?I model the prototype closelyI'm OK with "close enough" modelingSubmit